Monday, August 24, 2020

2020 The Year

 Updates and Whatnot...

Thank you dear reader for asking if I would consider selling this website. The answer is yes, of course yes I would. That was the intent when I first started. April 1st 2014, that was the day this site went live. That was six years ago. Jeez Louise!

What a ride it's been. I had plans you guys! I was going to post weekly videos, articles, cultivate a community, do all these cool functions, and promote good-will. A job I had just ended and here I was running my family's business, starting this confessions site with dreams of becoming the next Facebook. Never-mind that I had neither the connections, charisma, or raw intelligence. 

None of that happened of course. Funding never materialized, life with 2 kids, a cranky DH, a family business that was on decline, and parents with their own brand of crazy that were also my business partners, pretty much consumed all my energy. I was still somewhat hopeful. I did what I could with the resources that I had. ChitChatConfessions has chugged along for 6 years!  We've had parents pass, babies born, kids move out, separations, hearts broken, overcome fears, moved to new cities.  

A lot has happened to me in 6 years too, some of it not that great, bits and pieces I've shared on this site; but the chapter I'm in now is positive and I'm happy to be here. I think having this site has helped me tremendously and if we're going to be super honest, maybe "finding an investor and getting rich" may have just been a cover, maybe I just really wanted to hang out with you guys.

I really feel like I can tell who's who even when it's mostly all anonymous. I enjoy the interaction with the regulars. I feel blessed to even be able to say we have regulars. 

We talk about a lot of things here, but one of the more serious topics we discuss often here is the topic of domestic violence. I think it's great that we have a place where we can be honest about this topic, and receive support, tough love, and helpful advice. It's just not an easy topic. I wish I could do more to help others dealing with it.

Would I sell the site? Sure. I just renewed the hosting a couple weeks ago and Ouch! That was NOT cheap. Keeping you guys around is expensive. Other than money, I could really use other forms of support. If you can share the website anywhere, I think little things like that help. If you have content you want to work into the site, let me know.  More than anything, I wish I had people to get excited with about it. 

You can contact me at:

The problem with my Marketing that I don't want to sell you anything.

                                                                                                           -Admin at Chit Chat Confessions

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